The Building

A Stunning Showcase of Contemporary Design and Construction Innovation

The ANZ Centre is a spectacular example of modern architecture and building technologies

Some interesting facts about the ANZ Centre, built by Leighs Construction: Bulk excavation for the building was 15,500m3 of material.

The volume of concrete used in the foundations, basement floor and walls would fill two Olympic sized swimming pools. The water from four Olympic sized swimming pools would be needed to turn the basement into a swimming pool.

If all the reinforcing bars in the concrete slabs were laid end on end, they would cover the length of Colombo Street 41 times. The timber battens to the atrium lobby walls, if joined end on end, would wrap around Hagley Park three times. The area of engineered facade (glass) to the building is equivalent to the size of 10 netball courts if laid out flat.

It would take 10 Boeing 747s at full thrust to engage the seismic isolators under the building.

The ANZ Centre Building
The ANZ Centre Atrium
The ANZ Centre Building
The ANZ Centre Atrium
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